Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Root canal treatment

Routine endo work

chronic periapical periodontitis.

patient was complaining of pain while bitting food.

patient was 70 years old, diabetic, hypertensive.

Isolation was done by rubber dam.

working length was determined by the X-smart duo(endo-motor plus apex locator).

canal was prepared up to X2( 6% tapper 25 number ASI)

5.25% sodium hypochlorite was used alone as active irrigant(ultrasonic irrigation).

LSTR was used for intracanal medicament.

paper point was used for drying the canal.

seal was done by single gp point and warm vertical compaction.

as i am using seal apex aka calcium-based sealer and presence of necrotic pulp and periapical lesion i had done sealer puffing.

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